# Cluster analysis with cpptraj. # Load topology trajectory parm rGACC.nowat.parm7 trajin rGACC.MREMD1.nowat.nc.40 # Remove ions so they do not appear in output structures. strip :Na+ outprefix noions # Cluster analysis command: # C0: Cluster output data set(s) name. # CLUSTERING OPTIONS: # dbscan: Use the DBSCAN (density based) clustering algorithm. # minpoints: Minimum # of points to form a cluster. # epsilon: Distance cutoff for forming cluster. # sievetoframe: Restore sieved frames by comparing to all cluster frames, # not just centroid. # DISTANCE METRIC OPTIONS: # rms : Use RMSD of atoms in as distance metric. # sieve 10 : Use / 10 initial frames for clustering. # OUTPUT OPTIONS: # out : Write cluster number versus time to file. # summary : Write overall clustering summary to file. # info : Write detailed cluster results (including DBI, pSF etc) to file. # cpopvtime normframe: Write cluster population vs time to , # normalized by # frames. # COORDINATE OUTPUT OPTIONS: # repout repfmt pdb: Write cluster representatives to files with # PDB format. # singlerepout singlerepfmt netcdf: Write cluster representatives to # single file with NetCDF format. # avgout avgfmt restart: Write average over all frames in each cluster # to separate files with Amber restart file # format. cluster C0 \ dbscan minpoints 25 epsilon 0.9 sievetoframe \ rms :1@N2,O6,C1',P,:2@H2,N6,C1',P,:3@O2,H5,C1',P,:4@O2,H5,C1',P \ sieve 10 \ out cnumvtime.dat \ summary summary.dat \ info info.dat \ cpopvtime cpopvtime.agr normframe \ repout rep repfmt pdb \ singlerepout singlerep.nc singlerepfmt netcdf \ avgout Avg avgfmt restart